What is Glenn Danzig doing right at this moment?

His parents are hanging out with my parents upstairs, and he and I are both staring ahead with a blank, desperate look in each of our eyes as we glare at the television and wish that someone would bring us French onion soup evil pewter in bowls cast in the flames of dragon's breath.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

What is Glenn Danzig doing right at this moment?

Robot McGearman wrote:Keeping the trend of punk rock litigation alive by suing his former bandmate for trademark infringement: http://loudwire.com/misfits-glenn-danzig-suing-bassist-jerry-only-trademark-infringement/To be fair, that's the least surprising lawsuit in punk rock. Both of those guys have been in it solely for the money since like the mid-90's. It's a bigger shock that it didn't happen sooner.

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