by GypsumFantastic_Archive
I was getting Ms Marvel for my niece and enjoyed reading it too. I really like Adrian Alphona's art which I first got see when reading Brian Vaughan's Runaways series.Speaking of Vaughan. The Private Eye has been very enjoyable. Released on Brian's Panel Syndicate website ( http://panelsyndicate.com/ ), which hosts DRM-free creator owned digital comics. Pay what you want or nothing at all to download them. Albert Monteys has just released a comic called Universe through it which I thought was good too. I really like the option of paying what you like for these things and it seems like it's profitable tooEven though readers can still pay whatever they want for our DRM-free files (including nothing!), artist Marcos Martin, colorist Muntsa Vicente and I are proud to reveal that The Private Eye is already well into the six figures for both issues downloaded AND dollars earned ¦ and that s without advertising, corporate backers, Comixology-like distributors, or even a Kickstarter campaign. It s all because of small contributions from readers around the world, so sincere thanks again for your coverage of our ongoing experiment.I'm probably preaching to the converted and stating the obvious that Saga is the best title out at the moment. Vaughan can't do anything wrong in my eyes.I've started reading Sergio Toppi's The Collector, which has beautiful line workThe latest Blacksad book Amarillo was great, even though the artwork outweighs the story by a long way in my opinion. Pick it up in book form if you can as I compared the book to the digital release and they haven't done a good job on the colours in the digital version, it looks far too pale.Chris Ware's Building Stories came through the post. I couldn't resist picking it up on Amazon as it was priced at 5, bargain!
Don't concentrate on the finger..