by MattMaxVan_Archive
I don't want to make it seem like my experience is universal- but I had such a bad time with Reverb, that I had to do what I never do- get super-irate, complain like a pain in the ass, and finally, have them remove all of my data.So- what happened? Well, security breach, in a nutshell. Problems where I had to stop a credit card that got compromised, notifications from paypal about attempts at hacking, and total system crash- Of four transactions, all four had what I would term fairly problematic security. On top of that- one of them was with a guy I know- who's a friend, and he reported having equal issues on the selling end, and jumped at the chance when I offered to purchase through an alternate venue.So, am I saying you'll have these problems- NOPE. But I am saying I did.