any good podcasts?

bill bixby wrote:For those of you that are music fans (ahem...), there is a newer podcast called Jughead's Basement where they dissect different landmark albums, song by song, usually with the people in the band commenting on the motivations behind each.... Some of the episodes have been bands I'm not crazy about, but some of them have been really fascinating (Double Nickels on the Dime, Repo Man, Throb Throb).... I was going to skip Angry Samoans a few weeks back because I always considered them more of a joke band, but I'm really glad I gave it a listen.... The episode this week has an oral history of Big Black's Bulldozer & Atomizer, as told by the band members... 'Twas a good listen... tried this shit out. The BB episode was solid--lots of S. Durango, which was fantastic. Listening to the Double Nickels shows now. Sounds like there's real work that goes into these; the writing's pretty cool, the interviews are well edited, and Mr. Jughead et al. take seriously the music under consideration but are themselves not over-serious.Well recommended, FM bill bixby.

any good podcasts?

Tom wrote:I'm listening to Serial and it is very entertaining. But that is precisely the thing that bothers me about it. It's the same with any True Crime work, but it being radio and the extent of the examination makes it much more visceral and intimate.I feel a twinge of guilt whenever I find myself getting absorbed into it. This horrible thing happened to this girl and it's essentially been reduced down to entertainment for us. I realize there is some investigative journalism going on here and that the case in itself is worth a thorough reevaluation, but that isn't why I (or most people) am listening to it.I am on episode 2. ManNothing quite like reading a dead girls diary to ruin your day. I don't think I want to finish this.
vockins wrote:My kid will have her degree in Interstallar Pornography Technologies from City College in 2030.

any good podcasts?

Tom wrote:I feel a twinge of guilt whenever I find myself getting absorbed into it. This horrible thing happened to this girl and it's essentially been reduced down to entertainment for us. I realize there is some investigative journalism going on here and that the case in itself is worth a thorough reevaluation, but that isn't why I (or most people) am listening to it.You really nailed it here. If this ends in nothing more than a chin-scratching shrug I might puke.

any good podcasts?

Model Citizen wrote:Revolutions, the latest one by Mike Duncan of History of Rome fame, is really good. So far he's tackled the English Civil War and American Revolution, and is currently deep into the French revolution. http://www.revolutionspodcast.comJust started listening to this myself, really enjoying it.

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