Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

I should be set...but I am not satisfied right now. Lots of repairs, mods, and failures recently which is pushing me to want to sell most of my pedals. That is not realistic, but the sentiment is very strong. My current band doesn't require many pedals, and I am not sure what I will use for a project I am joining, but after that I might just sell things to free myself. I get stuck on the phrase "the more things you own, the more they own you." And it is largely true. More gear leads to more gear, which then can allow more potential with just a few more things, then something fails and you buy more, etc... Keeping things simple is underrated.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

Interesting question.Bass is my main thing. I have a couple of really nice P-basses, an 800RB, and a few decent cabs. I pull pedals from my guitar rig as necessary, and I feel 100% satisfied with what I have. This won't stop me from looking (or even from buying more, really) but I can do everything I need to do forever with what I've got.Guitar, however... I have a lot of reasonably nice electric guitars (15+), amps (10+), and effects pedals (30?), but I still want more, or at least different, stuff. I've realized lately that this has a lot to do with my limitations as a player, which are considerable. I've been trying to focus on trimming down to the things that I either need or will keep forever and only buying instruments that do exactly what I want (or, of course, are way too cheap to turn down). Plus actually learning to play, which I should probably get around to after 15 years.I have sold a few amps and probably ten guitars in the last couple of years, though, so there's that.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

I am totally satisfied gear wise but it doesn't stop me from looking. Guitar wise, I have everything I could ever need except for a tenor guitar. I've actually owned a few and have sold them. I'm sort of looking for a decent cheap one right now but it's in no way critical. I have good and varied acoustics and electrics. I'd love a vintage Ric but don't need one at all. I'm pretty much all set amp wise as well. I could never get another guitar or amp and would be all set for life. There are a couple pieces of recording gear that I actually kind of need and will get them soon. New headphone amp, new multi effects box, better mic stands etc.. Nothing exciting but I keep meaning to buy them. I wouldn't mind a few new mics but make good sounding records without them. What I actually really need is cymbals. I have good hats but a totally cracked crash/ride that probably wouldn't last a show and a horrible crash that I got for free. I'm not playing drums in a band right now so it's not critical but I really should just get 2 new cymbals the next time I'm at a drum shop. Even just one good new crash/ride would make a huge difference.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

When I was 19 I was satisfied. I had a 1969 SG Special, a Rickenbacker 330, and a Travis Bean Artist. A 1982 Marshall JCM 800 with matching cab. It was everything I needed/wanted. I foolishly sold everything to make a film and have been chasing the dragon ever since, usually ending up with "pretty good", but now I am rebuilding and only getting exactly what I went and if I have to pay a little more for it, so be it.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

Mason wrote:Working in a music store is can be rough in terms of gear temptation, but it also reminds you constantly how there are entire politically unsavoury industries based on Tone Chasing. This is an interesting point. I personally own more guitars than I need and I know this but I don't consider myself a tone chaser in the slightest. I appreciate the difference in sound of all of them and don't own any guitars that I think sound bad but I've never found "chasing tone" to be the reason I buy a guitar and when it really comes down to it, if I just had a Telecaster and a decent amp, I'd be fine. I just really like guitars.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

I'm missing a few pieces of crucial gear (f'rinstance, a tube guitar amp), especially on the recording end of things, but I more or less know what I'm looking for. Just a matter of realizing it financially.I've had a revolving door policy the last few years with my music gear. It's not caprice exactly ”in fact I'd say it's because I actually dislike letting gear pile up around me. At several points I've been down to one guitar, and the second I pick up another one, my brain says, Wellllll, welllll, look at Mr. One Percenter and his double guitars. Not automatically a problem. But limiting myself to one or two options per category has led to a lot of this guitar is the only one I'll ever need, no this one, etc. Especially since I've been broke, historically (I've only worked full-time in this last year of posting here), and have bought lots of mediocre things that either fantastically broke the fuck down or ultimately disappointed me.Where I'd like to be, as far as the stuff I actually play on, is to have a fairly minimal and fixed set up, with room for curiosities that make their way in and out. I have my Tele and now my Wilshire, and perhaps I find a cheap Norma guitar that I keep around a few years, then an SG, etc. Just to keep things from getting stale.Working in a music store is can be rough in terms of gear temptation, but it also reminds you constantly how there are entire politically unsavoury industries based on Tone Chasing.I have miles to go as far as my recording gear, but I consider that different from music gear. I can run my Jazz Bass/Peavey Musician/TL606 setup for the rest of my life and not feel limited, but recording entails problem solving and I feel that requires a better range of tools.

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