HIWATT amps, what's the scoop??

biscuitdough wrote:Do you have a good tech? Can you get detailed pics inside and out?The nearest tech is around 30 miles away which is fine but I have no idea how good he is, I know of a decent one who's a bit of a drive to get to but that's fine.I've seen a few photo's, one of the guts and the tubes from the rear and outside but I'm sure I could request more.

HIWATT amps, what's the scoop??

dvockins wrote:Dr Tony Balls wrote:The amp in the picture was at my house for about 48 hours. It sounded indistinguishable from my Hiwatt 50 that is now owned by a ballbag in Steely Dan.Thanks again Mr. V for facilitating that handoff. I think the amp is now 3 years old. Played it a few days ago. It sounds great. I use a catalinabread WIIO pedal in front to hit the preamp a little harder. When I crank the master up to about 11 o'clock I get the gorgeous chimey hi watt crunch that I'm after. Highly recommended and not crap, not crap in any way.

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