by taylor swiftboat orgy_Archive
BobbyPeru wrote:I've accepted that I'll probably be quitting life before I successfully quit smoking. Sad.That doesn't mean you can't try or keep trying. It might stick one time, might not. But at least you can say you tired. And look, you might be one of the blessed who can smoke consequence free, but chances are, say hi to your coffin nails. Trust me, it's an ugly way to go. But what makes it even more ugly is to look back and see regret staring you down over a habit that comes with the most marginal buzz ever. Fuck, if you're gunna go down, get off. Trying and failing will at least tell you that came up against something bigger than you and lost despite your best efforts. There's dignity in that. There is none if you don't try because you have no idea whether or not you could - the only thing you'll know for sure is that you'll have beaten yourself. A true DIY effort! So keep trying, earnestly - every 3 months, or 6 months. Or whatever nth unit of time. You owe that much to yourself and it's not much to ask of yourself either. Hey, u might get lucky one of those times.& at the very least keep grinning like an undertaker. Stay sick! Best of luck, Martha Splatterhead phpBB [media]