start=2340>UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Bill Swansea wrote:They'll tear eachother apart before next year.The Lib Dems will destroy themselves first: Lord Oakeshott quits Lib Dems, saying they are heading for disasterOakshotte is hurling all his toys out the pram: We then wanted a radical progressive party, not a 'split the difference' centre party with, in Shirley's memorable words, no roots, no principles and no values. But that is where Nick Clegg has led us.I don't particularly think Clegg has led them here, more that their real essence has been revealed.

start=2340">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Cranius wrote: The guardianista moral reaction to the racism of UKIP supporters misses the point that the working class actually have a material interest at stake when Romanians take 'their' jobs. Until the liberal left can address this need (i.e. provide jobs and welfare) then it won't get their vote.Spot on. It's as if no-one's learnt anything since Gordon Brown's mic was left on and he called that woman he'd doorstepped a racist for talking about immigration. It made him seem like a pompous bell-end trying to portray himself as a man of the people, who actually had no interest in or concern for what they had to say. The massive enthusiasm for calling UKIP racist is missing the point that a lot of people who just voted for them won't be shamed by it. There's this fairy-tale belief that they're going to "wake up" at some point and go "oh no, these people I voted for, they're RACIST". More likely is that the name-calling will make them feel abandoned and condescended to by people who don't understand them, who are economically, socially and geographically insulated from their lives, and who show no interest in reversing any of these factors. More likely it will make them feel "if that's racist, then fine, I'm racist". Don't shame UKIP voters. Don't condescend to them. GIve them an alternative. If they are racist, then name-calling isn't going to change that. If they're not, then the name-calling just widens the divide.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...

start=2340">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

simmo wrote:They'll be really fucked when they actually start trying to promote their manifesto for the general election. At the moment, I'd hazard a guess that 80% of their voters have no idea what it is, and will be put off or even horrified when they find out.I think this is right. It won't be hard for Miliband to point out how most of their policies are not in the interests of the working class who voted for them in Europe (NHS privatisation springs to mind). Then again, does anyone actually know what the UKIP manifesto is? I thought he was disowning most of the 2010 one.

start=2340">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

They'll be really fucked when they actually start trying to promote their manifesto for the general election. At the moment, I'd hazard a guess that 80% of their voters have no idea what it is, and will be put off or even horrified when they find out.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


start=2340">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Tory scumbag buys up 90 houses in London, triples rent: ... kes-rents/But now, tenants of the East London estate are braced for Benyons plan to charge œmarket rents “ this will treble their bills.Distraught Debra Cox, 49, who has lived there for 18 years, said: œThis is social cleansing “ this has always been a form of social housing and they just want rid of us. œI have been to the council and was told we don t have a chance of being rehoused. Benyon is a prime example of the revolving door of complicity in the UK s housing and debt crisis. While slamming welfare, Benyon makes 625k a year from Housing Benefit paid to tenants in his over priced properties.It's crucial to note that this isn't a particularly bastardy Tory being particularly bastardy - this is absolutely typical Tory behaviour. They've been privatizing social housing for decades and it's more or less unofficial policy to snap up former social housing and make a mint from it, and rake in as much housing benefit as you can too.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


start=2340">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Oh dear, Emily Thornberry. What is it that they say about too many tweets?I do often sympathise that the cesspool that is the UK media destroys context for the sake of 'scandle' and leaves public figures in the shit unfairly. But there was something thoroughly satisfying about watching somebody putting their head in the noose without a shread of self-awareness and receiving their just desserts within 24 hours.

start=2340>UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Has anybody been following this story? It is so cartoonishly evil that it makes me think of Satanic panic of the 80s, yet there seem to be a credible witness. London police say they believe a claim made by a man named only as Nick, who alleges he saw a Conservative member of Parliament kill a boy at a child sex party in the 1980s, The Guardian reports.Nick, whose real identity is being withheld by police and the media, previously told the Exaro news site that when he was a boy he was taken to child sex parties in the 1980s. He watched a boy being strangled to death in front of him by the unnamed MP. On another occasion, he says he saw another boy killed while a Conservative cabinet member looked on. A third boy is also alleged to have been killed by the Westminster pedophile ring that included senior political figures in the 1970s, '80s, and '90s...Detectives said they believed a witness who said he was abused by the VIP sex ring.Det Supt Ken McDonald, head of the inquiry, said of the witness called Nick: œI believe what Nick saying is credible and true ...An inquiry into the disappearance of a dossier that named alleged pedophile MPs has already proved inconclusive. In 1983, Leon Brittan, the former home secretary and member of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet, was handed a 40-page dossier naming eight senior civil servants and politicians who were allegedly involved in a secret ring of pedophiles. And then the dossier ... vanished. ... ty-2014-12Jesus fucking Christ!

start=2340>UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

This investigation is huge. In fact, the police are conducting two parallel investigations. The Met have requested over 200 files on missing boys from regional police forces. It's Salo. It is so cartoonishly evil that it makes me think of Satanic panic of the 80sYou mean, Cleveland? Yeah, there are rumours that was covered up by Butler-Schloss. Social workers claim that she did a lot to tarnish the reputation of experts and social work in general in that case; returning children to their alleged abusers, which is apparently unconscionable.This is the source of many of the paedo-allegations atm :

start=2340">UK General Election 2015 In 2015 I will be voting for:

Looks like Leon Brittan's off to that massive sex party in the sky then. I wonder if they'll bury him in a maid's outfit. Clyde wrote:Has anybody been following this story? It is so cartoonishly evil that it makes me think of Satanic panic of the 80s, yet there seem to be a credible witness.No shit. I've been morbidly fascinated by this since the Cyril Smith revelations, and it really does seem like some scary, scary shit has been quietly (and in some cases forcibly) hidden away for a long time. Hysterical lunacy of conspiracy community aside, some of the information and the allegations out there are mind-blowing. The purported visitors to Elm Guest House, the events that are alleged to have happened at Dolphin Square, fuck. I suppose we should prepare ourselves for a neutered inquiry and disposable scapegoats though. Cranius wrote:This investigation is huge. In fact, the police are conducting two parallel investigations. The Met have requested over 200 files on missing boys from regional police forces. It's Salo.Three investigations now, it would appear. Fernbridge, Fairbank and Midland (the most unsettling of all three of them)

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