by drcroc_Archive
twelvepoint wrote:I may have mentioned this already, but I tend to not try and hit a certain pitch in tuning, so much as try and hit the point where the head/drum combination has the most resonance. I find that usually puts the drum (toms, especially) at a higher pitch than I'd expect, but I find in a band context, it works pretty well and when recording I may be able to get away without close-micing toms. It seems like once bands had enough tracks to have close-miced toms and snare, the fundamental notes of those drums started to drop, and my completely untested, unsubstantiated theory is that back with 8 track recording, you needed to tune the drums so they could cut through better because you couldn't fix it in the mix.I just hit around every tuning lug and try to get them to match... Never really mess with the bottom heads at all... Maybe I should...