
Total votes: 8 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 70 (90%)
Total votes: 78

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

I concur with the above. The closest competitor to an equally great Touch and Go band IMO is Slint, but they had only one amazing album and one good EP. Brainiac had one fucking fantastic LP with Hissing Prigs, two great EPs, and Bonsai Superstar is pretty great as well. Smack Bunny Baby and all the early singles are decent to good.Anyone know about demo versions of post-Electro-Shock songs? I've managed to find 4 "final demo" songs but none of them sound like the songs they played in concert.Also does anybody know how the hell to get the DVDs listed on deeperintomovies? FFS the guy running that site does not check his e-mail.

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

sulfur)addict wrote:Is that the demo with "Empty Faces" and "I Can't Stare At You" on it? Because that's the latest material I have from them.perdothegit wrote:Hook a brother up, why don't ya? I've got files for 15 demo songs from all over their career that I'll throw into the sendspace thread for you. It's low bitrate, but I mean, they're demos.Yep that's the one I have. I was born after Timmy died, but from what I can find of live bootlegs, none of those songs were ever played in concert, meanwhile they never recorded Crash, Ice Melts Away or Forget Everything. Strange.

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

rayword45 wrote:Anyone know about demo versions of post-Electro-Shock songs? I've managed to find 4 final demo songs but none of them sound like the songs they played in concert.Is that the demo with Empty Faces and I Can't Stare At You on it? Because that's the latest material I have from them.perdothegit wrote:Hook a brother up, why don't ya? I've got files for 15 demo songs from all over their career that I'll throw into the sendspace thread for you. It's low bitrate, but I mean, they're demos.

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

numberthirty wrote:kerble wrote:rayword45 wrote:I was born after Timmy died,This fills me with hope. Welcome aboard.Kinda made me feel old.That said, plus one on the Welcome aboard.+1, +1, and +1. There's a young bartender girl here in town who works at Cactus and Vanguard who was playing Hot Metal Dobermans at Cactus one night and when i started talking to her about it, turns out she's from Dayton and her dad was in a band or involved in the scene somehow around Brainiac's run. Seeing someone that young go bonkers about Brainiac made me pretty happy.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

137 ... +demos.rarThis is where I got 3 of the 4 final demo songs (which are the last 3 songs in the compilation). The last one I had to rip from Grooveshark, but it doesn't make much of a difference because they're all in shit quality anyways. ... Demo+4.mp3

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

And to make my last post somewhat redundant because I love this band too effing much, here's an attempt at a compilation of all the tracks not currently available for sale new. This band really needs a box set.From Basement Demo1. Perfect Suicide2. Still InsaneFrom Super Duper Seven (in absolute ass quality)3. Ride (Alternate Take)4. Superdupersonic (Theme from Brainiac)5. Simon Says (Alternate Take)From unknown demo (presumably around Smack Bunny Baby era)6. Unknown Demo #17. Unknown Demo #2From Dexatrim single (first Schmersal song!)8. DexatrimFrom Dope-Guns-'n-Fucking in the Streets: Volume Ten9. Cookie Doesn't SingFrom Opscene 5010. Indian Poker Pt. 1From Jabberjaw...Pure Sweet Hell 11. Go!From Ubu Dance Party: A Tribute To Pere Ubu12. PetrifiedFrom Final Demo13. Empty Faces14. I Can't Stare At You15. Last Demo Song #316. Last Demo Song #4 (could someone identify this song?)

Band: Brainiac Brainiac:

rayword45 wrote:And to make my last post somewhat redundant because I love this band too effing much, here's an attempt at a compilation of all the tracks not currently available for sale new. This band really needs a box set.From Basement Demo1. Perfect Suicide2. Still InsaneFrom Super Duper Seven (in absolute ass quality)3. Ride (Alternate Take)4. Superdupersonic (Theme from Brainiac)5. Simon Says (Alternate Take)From unknown demo (presumably around Smack Bunny Baby era)6. Unknown Demo #17. Unknown Demo #2From Dexatrim single (first Schmersal song!)8. DexatrimFrom Dope-Guns-'n-Fucking in the Streets: Volume Ten9. Cookie Doesn't SingFrom Opscene 5010. Indian Poker Pt. 1From Jabberjaw...Pure Sweet Hell 11. Go!From Ubu Dance Party: A Tribute To Pere Ubu12. PetrifiedFrom Final Demo13. Empty Faces14. I Can't Stare At You15. Last Demo Song #316. Last Demo Song #4 (could someone identify this song?) has a copy of Smack on record with a extra song on it.
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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