by Marsupialized_Archive
I was on some sort of TV show where you had to traverse a neighborhood that was in chaos, make it home through it all while TV cameras filmed it. You get dropped into the neighborhood from the sky somehow, I was watching different people get dropped in, then chased around or them terrified and hiding, then it was my turn. Some people were in superhero outfits when dropped in, some regular clothes. It's night when I am dropped in and I creep in the shadows for a bit, then start walking down the street, across the street there's a huge shooting, five or six people all laying over the street bleeding, some dead, some injured. The shooter is a fat little black kid, he just stands there till the cops come. They put him in a car and then I see that he has an injured eye, so they hand him a spoon and tell him to dig his eyes out with the spoon. I am trying to figure that scene out, if maybe he's a robot or these cops are just insanely sadistic, when a minivan pulls up, I am outside a mall and I recognize the minivan is full of my friends and family, ABE LINCOLN is driving. We drive a bit, then pick up a hot chick, she sits in front of me and I'm all flirting with her, there's like, a foam egg crate on the floor and a frog sitting on it, laying on it's back, we are petting it, she likes it, a spider crawls across the foam onto her hand and she does not freak, just flicks it off. I thought that odd. We are squished in the back of the minivan, Abe is driving in downtown Chicago, dropping people at different El stations, the chick ends up sitting in my lap and she's kind of stroking my hand with hers, secretly. Abe notices, and I wish I could remember what he said but he eluded to the fact I am always chasing women around, in some wise, humorous way that made everyone laugh and dispelled any sort of tension. Someone in the van said something and it made me realize I was same sex married to Abe LIncoln. I get out of the car and go up to the front and stick my head in the window and laughingly say 'I am an otherwise decent man, I want that on my tombstone 'AN OTHERWISE DECENT MAN' he really gets a kick out of that, everyone does, everyone is laughing very hard. I walk towards the train. I then heard my name clear as can be, as if someone was in the room and woke up immediately. So, yeah, beat that one for weirdness, I was gay married to Abe Lincoln.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom