Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

atomjackfuser wrote:Has anyone who ordered the first press of the new record actually gotten it yet? Or an e-mail saying it's delayed? Delays do not annoy me, silence from Brutal Panda about said delays do.I haven't, but they're shipping out according to Brutal Panda. Several people have asked about it on their facebook page (for me, left side, POSTS TO PAGE, good ways down).

Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

The power of suggestion and all that, but seriously, I listened to this record for days on end. Now I'm in the suspicious-reaction phase, much as after hearing Slanted and Enchanted: "This sounds like a mix of specific songs I liked in previous decades, so of course I like this, but it isn't particularly original -- it's a pastiche."* How rockist of me. No matter. NC.*Slanted and Enchanted == Wire and the Fall. With 2 Ynfynty, the other songs I'm hearing are by the likes of Urge Overkill (early Urge Overkill), the Jesus Lizard, early Led Zeppelin (?), and ... there was a fourth one. Kyuss? Royal Trux? Surfer Rosa? I don't know. Sometimes it seems like it's been the late '80s / early '90s for a very long time, for some people. No matter.ETA: My Bloody Valentine -- that's who else they sound like.

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