Hermana - Argentinian jazzy-noisy-rock-whatever band
1Well, my name is Alexis, I m an old reader of this forum but a relatively new member of it.I like lots of bands composed of PRFM, so I m sharing mine. Its name is Hermana and I don t know exactly what kind of music we play; but what I know is we like a lot of free jazz, Captain Beefheart, Band of Susans, Can, Noise Rock and Ambient and Drone music.I think maybe our music is at least aesthetically a mix of all these, qualitatively, well ¦ you tell me. We do it the best way we can; and we are constantly growing.We ve just released our second album, œMáquina de vapor , which was originally live recorded in one or two days ¦ but FIVE years ago. After that the band got broke for a year or two. In the last two years we ´ve worked on it (overdubbing, recording new guitars and noises, mixing, remixing, etc) passing through lots of problems: The Studio moved once, the project computer changed twice (yes, three different computers with different softwares and plugins and everything), new works, travels, lack of time to work on it, etc etc.After so many years I was not too happy with the original audio takes (I was 22 years when we recorded it, and had just finished studying) which had lots of mistakes and unfortunate experiments on them. But we mixed and produced it the best way we could and we re really happy with it.After all those problems It was going to be called œLa Maldición (The curse) but no, it don t deserve it. By the way, œLa maldición is the name of the last track, which is a detuned solo piano accidentally recorded with one ambient mic.Well ¦ hope you enjoy it:https://hermana.bandcamp.com/Thanks! (My English is bad; mercy, please)