2016 US Presidential Primary Thread

Apparently this is verbatim from a speech Trump just gave. Saudi Arabia - I love the Saudis, they buy lots of stuff from me. Well they make a billion dollars a day. A billion dollars a day. And I have ten billion dollars. But listen, whenever they have a military problem, who takes care of it? We do! We do! And what do we get for it? No-thing! No-thing!South Korea! I mean it's crazy. They make a billion dollars a day! A BILLION DOLLARS A DAY!

2016 US Presidential Primary Thread

numberthirty wrote:The FNC vs. GOP angle is interesting, if nothing else.Yeah.It's really interesting to watch because he takes GOP histrionics about straight talk and not playing politics as usual and so on to their extreme - he says whatever the fuck is in his brain at any moment, regardless of the effects or whether it's based in any sort of reality, and sticks with it to the end, no backing down. His actual retort to being put on the spot about his McCain comments was What, so am I NOT supposed to like veterans that weren't captured?People don't know or like politicians, they recognize Trump. He's a success and he tells it like it is, doesn't apologize to the PC police, etc.Not even getting into him running as an independent once he's done shouting down Bush and Walker at the debates, oh man.On a side note, I read that Tom Scharpling said something to the effect that Trump is so dumb that he'll read something a speechwriter wrote, think about it as he's saying it, and have to add that's true at the end. Been cracking me up all week.

2016 US Presidential Primary Thread

For the Republicans, it will be a repeat of the 2012 primary, where each dingbat will have their month in the spotlight to say loud nasty things and throw their feces at everybody before flaming out in the most pathetic manner. Trump is already flaming out and it's fucking hilarious. I'm really hoping Walker will peak next and flame out in the most ignoble fashion. For the Democrats I hope it's a repeat of 2008.

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