Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

cerebralheadtrip wrote:gjp wrote:Do you guys honestly think he's hurting the GOP that much?I don't know if it's because I live in Ohio, but I sincerely doubt Trump being an asshole is going to destroy any chance the GOP has. If anything, most of the conservatives I work with seem empowered by the garbage that exits his mouth. It kind of fuels their own racist xenophobic bullshit.die hard birthers arent the people the GOP needs to worry about courting. so the fringe is feeling emboldened? dosent move the needle one iotathe bigger picture is the more time the GOP spends infighting among itself, the less time theyre mounting a platform and message against the Dems. Trumps message is not the one they want to be disseminating publicly, but its the one theyre spending all their time and money fighting. by that measure hes absolutely hurting their chances, because his electibility is precisely 0% once the gloves come off. not to mention hes shitting on any chance of gaining traction among Hispanics, just as an example, who they'll need big support from to win.people like Trump and Palin could be Democratic plants for how brilliantly they set back their own party. Trump leading the polls now is like Herman Cain leading the polls in 2011.You're right. Just hard to have that kind of optimism when I'm surrounded by closeted racists and bigots.

Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

goatlord wrote:What amazes me is how, in the world's most racially diverse country, an obviously mentally retarded racist can have any option to reach the presidency of said country. Fucking crazy.This guy is the caricature of self-entilted assholes that got everything they wanted from their parents. And his hair is the shittiest bird in the smallest, redest face. Fuck it.It's because even a wacko can make a true statement. The guy is saying the US immigration system is a mess.Agree or disagree, do I really need to run down the list of all of the groups that agree with him on US immigration policy being a complete mess?The guy is saying that the lobbyist aspect of US government is a huge problem.Agree or disagree, do I need to run down a list of all of the groups that agree with him that lobbying as a part of the US government is a total mess?The guy is saying that vets are not being taken care of by the VA.Agree or disagree, Do I need to run down a list of all of the groups that agree with him on the VA being a complete mess?You say enough of those things, someone will support you. They might not love you, but you are at least a longshot possible solution.No one(barring Bernie) will even say out loud that the "Lobbying" problem exists.

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