Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

numberthirty wrote:First, the little bit I've seen on that story today screams "Can Of Worms". I swear even Ivana came out and said it was bunk(obviously, there could be more to that).You want me to celebrate the guy's moral character? Don't hold your breath.That said, I can't see what this has to do with him discussing immigration policy. Two different things.What is it about his immigration policy that you're so fond of?The guy is an abusive, racist shit, and that guy on his staff is quoted throughout the story as saying that it's impossible for a man to rape his wife! That is in-fucking-sane! Why hold any water for that morherfucker? And to try to draw parallels to Bernie Sanders because they both agree that there's a problem with immigration? That's like saying they're on the same page when it comes to gun control, taxation, and reproductive rights!

Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

Bumping this thread for numberthirty. Also the link that follows is horrifying-blackmarket wrote:llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:By the way, whats up with numberthirty making excuses for racist conservatives?whats up with numberthirty making excuses for an unappologetic rapist? œYou re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can t rape your spouse.

Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:What is it about his immigration policy that you're so fond of?If you can't tell me, that probably says a lot.To put it simply, he is talking about that it does not work. He is talking about that it needs to change. If that inadvertently moves things one inch closer to an America where people are not being exploited on a daily basis, I'll take it. That sort of thing just happened with marriage equality.His saying it keeps the idea in the open. llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:The guy is an abusive, racist shit, and that guy on his staff is quoted throughout the story as saying that it's impossible for a man to rape his wife! That is in-fucking-sane! Why hold any water for that morherfucker? And to try to draw parallels to Bernie Sanders because they both agree that there's a problem with immigration? That's like saying they're on the same page when it comes to gun control, taxation, and reproductive rights!That's insane. No kidding.As for parallels, two parallel streets run alongside each other. That's different than being on the same page.That said, those two speaking up about the jacked up state of US immigration policy, maybe, creates a climate where we are closer to ending exploitation of people who haven't done anything to deserve it.

Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

All of those candidates discuss immigration frequently, they all do. Google any of their names and the word immigration. See if you can find one who says things are just fine and dandy.Bush just gave a whole interview about it. In spanish.DIAZ-BALART: How do we resolve the problem of 11 million undocumented and what do you think is the formula for the border to be secured and deal with those people who are here and contribute to the economy with their hard work? BUSH: Look, first of all, to arrive here legally has to be easier than to arrive here illegally. So one must have a commitment with a border, and just as important, there s 40 percent of the undocumented that arrived here legally, that have a legal visa and they overstayed And they don t go back. We must have a plan to solve that. It s not the most complicated thing in our country, we can do it. We can accomplish it. But for the 11 million people, I believe that they come from out of the shadows they get a work permit, they pay taxes naturally, they pay small fine they, learn English. They don t get benefits from the federal government, but they come out of the shadows. And they obtain a legal status after some time. I believe that s the place where one could obtain consensus to solve this problem.Balancing the latino vote vs. riling up the base against the amnesty candidates is going to be a play a pretty important part in this shit show, you think immigration is going to be glossed over? That's nuts. Trump got attention because he said stupid racist shit, there was nothing radical in what he did.

Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

Well no, see, he just wants immigration to be front and center, like the main thing. The issue at the center of this election. So like talked about a lot. Which it is. By all the candidates. But Trump specifically. Even though it's really not so much his flagship issue as much as it is the issue in regard to which he said the dumbest thing that got the most media attention. And while his ideas of what reform means are crazy terrible and he's generally a huge piece of shit, he at least acknowledges the system we've got going doesn't work.Which we've established everyone agrees on. But doesn't talk about enough.I guess?

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