by Vansassa_Archive
eliya wrote:We have a ton of diet cat food that our cat won't eat. Now he's on different prescription food. Dr. Wellbutrin says it's good for any cat, come take it! There's no reason for it to go to waste!wellbutrin wrote:eliya wrote:We have a lot of prescription (for allergies) cat food, both wet and dry, and enough to feed your cat for two months, or just one if she's a fat ass like ours. Perhaps Dr. wellbutrin can chime in one whether or not cats without allergies should eat it? Anyway, if it's fine for cats without allergies to eat it, then it's free for anyone who wants it. That's like $100 worth of cat food.Yes, the hydrolyzed diets are good for any cat.Eliya! I can always use cat food donations and other cat care items. If no one else needs this I'd love to pick it up and visit you guys and Frostie.