Live From The Barrage

the Scharpling episode ruled. now listening to the latest BS and i'm pretty sure you influenced Tom&Jon to do that Joe Walsh bit.first hour of the show was great too, loved the cruise stories. and John, you did great in the opening solo minutes. don't worry, Scharpling leaves way more dead air and he's also got the reviled background music.

Live From The Barrage

Radio NOPE premiere, Episode 119 (!) of Live from the Barrage , with Conan Neutron and Brenna Betts is being replayed on Radio NOPE today at 2PM Eastern, 1PM Central, noon Mountain, 11am Pacific.Tell a friend, tell an enemy. CN: Look: first half hour of this show is John Choochlihan and myself stressing out on tech stuff.Last hour is god damn hilarious, chaotic awesomeness.I've been sitting in an airport bar laughing at the shenanigans for a while now.
Yes it's true, I am made from atoms.

Live From The Barrage

prowler wrote:those Sebadoh infomercials at the end of the John&Ryan episode were great.. where are they from?Sebadoh Showtape '91. It's on the reissue of Sebadoh III.Here's the YouTubes LinkHey, We have tallchris and Ben Adrian live in the Barrage tonight at 8pmET!LISTEN HERE

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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