Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

Snowblinder wrote:But I've recently started plugging straight in and getting all of my drive from the amp, meaning the gain/volume control is at about noon. And it's fucking loud. Borderline painfully loud.Tony, have you tried cabinets with less efficient speakers? It might be hard to find a 1x12 scenario that will handle the power and also not be efficient - but 2x12 should be doable. My graphics-only OR120 is vastly different in terms of volume with an efficient 4x12 (Altec 417 - 100dB) than an inefficient 4x12 (Celestion G12M70 - 97dB). I haven't played it through an inefficient 2x12, but I'd assume it would be noticeable. Just a thought.

Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

kazoozak wrote:Dear Dr. Balls:I remember you posting a while back about doing a limited-batch run of delay pedals with an extra footswitch for self-oscillation. Is there a chance you have any left in stock or wouldn't mind building another order, and also add a jack for an expression pedal to control the time knob?Best,KazoozakSure that's totally possible. With delays it all comes down to chipsets used and analog vs digital. Ive made a few with MN3005 Analog chipsets but only because i got some legit ones in a trade. Those chips are very expensive and/or fake when you find them for sale. There are some decent analog replacements for that, or there's also a digital option that sounds very analog. Id probably suggest the digital option just because they sound great, theres a large range of delay times, and they're cheap and simple.

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