Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

chumpchange wrote:Dr Tony Balls wrote:HA. Knock yer socks off: Splitfaced album is awesome. Are you the design genius? Any of those shirts for sale to those outside of the team?HA. My bowling team and yeah I did the design for these. I have a few extras of the Black Flag design so long as you're a medium or a large. Other than that the only screen that I havent reclaimed is the current Santa Cruz design. I could print one of those for you.

Balls Effects / Balls Amplification

Dr Tony Balls wrote:Raa wrote:Dr Tony Balls wrote:HA. Knock yer socks off: you! This is fantastic. Have you ever built a reverb unit? What would something like that run for?Depends what you mean. Reverb pedal or standalone tube reverb like the old Fender ones?Standalone like the Fender ones. The Balls AC-30 sounds brilliant. FM llllllllllllllllllllllll's singing needs no excusing either, bass player's lack of shirt, maybe.

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