Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

stewie wrote:Christ. Listen to the cop at 0:40. He knows he has just shot a man for reaching for his wallet like he asked him to.BLM Minneapolis have asked that this video not be shared on social media (though no one has said anything about whether or not people ought to *watch* it; it's still up on Facebook). Apparently people are getting pretty fucking sick of seeing videos of friends and family members getting shot to death by cops and plastered all over the internet at the rate of about one a week, while nothing changes. It doesn't seem like BLM Minneapolis are trying to *suppress* the video at all, though.StarTribune (Minneapolis): A woman sitting behind the wheel of a car in Falcon Heights, MN filmed herself and her boyfriend tonight while he bled out in the passenger seat and the cop who'd just fatally shot him held a gun on both of them. A four-year-old was in the back seat.

Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

emmanuelle cunt wrote:5 policemen shot dead, 11 wounded during a protest in Dallas. Jesus Christ. ... index.htmlIt should come as no surprise that when the police can kill and not face any repercussion, that there will be those that seek out violent means of retribution for a repetitive, systematic injustice. When justice fails to be served, this is what happens.

Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

gaetano wrote:Ben Abraham wrote:emmanuelle cunt wrote:5 policemen shot dead, 11 wounded during a protest in Dallas. Jesus Christ. ... index.htmlIt should come as no surprise that when the police can kill and not face any repercussion, that there will be those that seek out violent means of retribution for a repetitive, systematic injustice. When justice fails to be served, this is what happens.It doesn't make the killing of 5 random cops less horrific or untolerable, I must add.There is one difference though, people that kill cops will ALWAYS be tried and sent to jail if not killed outright. Cops that kill people ALWAYS walk. This is part of the problem.

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