by whoisalhedges_Archive
benadrian wrote:Yeah, I've heard a tone of great sounding, faux-analog delays with the PT2399 chip. Do it, Zooks.The PT2399 sounds as good as BBD. To like 99%+ of ears. Plus, it's a lot cheaper and TONS easier to work with.I love BBD delays, I kinda wanna go to bed with the Malekko Ekko 616. But really, a lot of that is Pavlovian. We like analog because it sounds better. BUT IF IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY SOUND ANY BETTER, there's no reason to pay a premium. The CoolAudio chips they're making on the cheap for Behringer are fine, but they're real bucket brigade analog delay chips which, truthfully, don't sound better than a good PT2399 circuit. So, it's like, which snobbery wins out? Your anti-digital snobbery or your anti-Behringer snobbery? Raa wrote:Dr Tony Balls wrote:Raa wrote:Dr Tony Balls wrote:HA. Knock yer socks off: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thetonyballs/albumsThank you! This is fantastic. Have you ever built a reverb unit? What would something like that run for?Depends what you mean. Reverb pedal or standalone tube reverb like the old Fender ones?Standalone like the Fender ones.With something like the Stage Center reverb, you'd probably have to pay more in both parts and labor for making the cabinet than building the circuit. Dead simple, but would probably need some tweaks to get it just right.As most here are probably aware, there are things like the Sole Mate and Little Lanilei, small spring tanks in like 8x4 metal enclosures, used as pedals. I haven't been pleased with them. I bet there's a decent middle ground to be found; something smaller and a bit more convenient than a full Fender-sized unit, but more tuneful than the existing spring pedals. Doctor, would you care to invent one?