how we live like damn hell ass kings.

Gramsci wrote:I love cooking. I really take time to read a recipe, go and my the food at a good market and happily spend hours fussing over the preparation... But if I'm living like damn hell ass king (what the fuck does this mean?) I go to a good butcher and buy an inch thick piece of sirloin and pan fry that fucker after solid seasoning and a good rubdown of olive oil... On the side I'll fry from onions and add a little red wine and flour to make a sauce; boil some good, small potatoes and and a mash with the skins on, milk, salt and butter...Then I throw on some Coltrane site my ass down with a bottle of decent Argentine Malbec or New Zealand Pinot Noir and eat the bastard.i eat it rare, bloody as hell.King Grammy.Goddang that sounds kingly...and not far off from the way I do a steak.Never had any Kiwi Pinots though. Anything you'd recommend?

how we live like damn hell ass kings.

Fruit. I love fruit, anyway, but I feel like a damn hell ass king being able to buy it anytime I want. Such a privilege to be able to buy a watermelon or a banana any damn time of year, bring it home to my other cute piss fruits, cut them all up and spill the ass hell fruit chunks into my favourite pretty little bowl and eat wonderfully colourful ass fruit that my eyes enjoy looking at while my stomach gets full of beautiful, juicy fuck fruit. Makes me want to help out the less fortunate so they can feel good and know the damn hell ass pleasures of juicy tit fruit sexing up their tongues.

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