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For the Scalped fans, that team is back together on an indie title that revolves around the world pre-flood(You know, the biblical flood)."And the earth was filled with violence."Genesis 6:11It's 1,655 years after Eden, and life on Earth has already gone to hell. The world of man is a place of wanton cruelty and wickedness. Prehistoric monsters and stone-age marauders roam the land. Murder and destruction are the rule of the day. Humankind is a failed experiment. This is life before the Flood. The story of man on the verge of his first apocalypse. Welcome to the world of the Goddamned.Preview -

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Sorry if it's been mentioned, though I didn't see it when I sifted through the thread.IDW ongoing version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is amazing. Great story line and art, especially from Maeteus Santoluoco (sorry for bad spelling). I am really enjoying the heck out of this series. I want to get into Flaming Carrot and The Tick. And I'm always looking for a good introduction on where to start for Batman. You know a place where I won't get all confused and fucked up with plot lines and such.

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