Quilter Amps

154 wrote:It seems weird to me that the Quilter is significantly louder than the GK, though maybe it handles varying cab impedances better. The GK really needs 4ohms to shine.yeah same here - I love my GK but there's a certain 'honk' to it when I push it that is the only thing holding me back from being completely happy

Quilter Amps

I just got the Tone Block 200 that I ordered last week. It's the earlier version from 2014 with the more limited EQ. Same one that Chris has. I just spent 20 minutes playing around with it and it's fantastic! Chris' review pretty much sums it up. I was able to dial in a very good sound, close to my main amp, in about a minute. Another minute of tweaking and it was even closer. I'm bringing this to my next gig regardless of if I'm using a provided backline or my own gear, just to get a feel for it live. In my limited experience with it, it is way more than just a very powerful small amp but is in fact a great sounding amp as well!

Quilter Amps

Grey Hairs practice: "What the fuck is Jury on about? What the fuck is a Quilter?"*checks out link to Quilter amps**much hilarity ensues*"I'd be frightened I'd lose it!""It looks like a Betamax!"*everyone settles down. The thought process begins where we each slowly consider the utter nightmare of getting 4 middle aged drunks to out of town gigs. The pain. The misery. The begging friends with cars. The sitting with a Dual Showman on your lap for 4 hours*"What were they called again? Quilter?" (bookmarks link).
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

Quilter Amps

kazoozak wrote:Thinking in the future about getting a Pro Block 200 or the Bass Block 800 for bass and baritone. Is there any advantage of using a Rusty into one of the Quilter heads over using, say, a Crown power amp?Other than having a little EQ, some pre and post volume control, you don't have to lug around a 40 pound power amp.I'm getting one, probably the 200, since it is more than loud enough for anything I ever do.

Quilter Amps

Heard some of the new Bismarck recordings where Jury used the Quilter for guitar and it sounded great to my ears!Curious about the Bass Block, and would like to hear it w/ the Rusty for sure. My old 400RB has always been more than loud enough for me, whether into an 8 ohm or matching to a 4 ohm load, but having something a little more compact would be killer.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

Quilter Amps

Been thinking about one of these for a while, especially to use w/ a preamp (Rusty/Boxidizer) for the tuba in KJ. Fun Fact - even though our band only has two people, an amp, cab, drumset and tuba take up a fuckton of room. I'm trying to find ways to consolidate it as best as I can, and the Quilter might be just the thing...

Quilter Amps

I'd love to try one or hear one in person. I'm very much in the loud and compact camp à la Deerhoof, so this is the exact kind of solution I like to see out in the world. This and a TL-806 cabinet could get me far. Assuming it sounds any good, but I trust the reviews I'm hearing, given who they're coming from.I wish it didn't look like a promotional hot plate for an original PlayStation game set in the Middle Ages.I wish that so much new guitar equipment didn't look like it should have a clip-art odometer on it showing how many people been to its website.I might buy a download and license for Letter Gothic and send it to Quilter as a gift.But I'd still love to try one.

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