by TheMilford_Archive
pointillist wrote:OK Dietz people. I need some advice. My bass player and I expressed our undying love by making matching cabs. We did 2 TL606 cabs for him, and two 2x12 TL806 cabs for me. We added some wood to make them match, so that when stacked, it looks like just a big block of wood. I'll take pictures this week, it's pretty rad (yet heavy). This way each side of the stage has a 1x15 (bass) and a 2x12 (guitar). So here' s my query. Were using eminence delta 15as for the 1x15s. I was going to use eminence delta 12s for the guitar cabs. I started thinking last night that maybe I should mix the speakers up a bit. Like do the Delta 12s in one cab, and another speaker set in the other cabinet, just for tonal variety. Any thoughts on this? Warehouse speakers makes a 30 watt and 50 watt 55hz resonance 12" speaker (the "reaper" speaker), and I was curious how it would sound to use a 50 watt version of this in one set of the 2x12s. For reference, I use a tele with BLK/TRI pickups into a boxidizer, into a V4. I tune FACGCD, and we do what all old men in their early 40s do, we play mathy post-hardcore type stuff. I'll post cab pictures this weekend, they came out really nice. Any thoughts on speaker selection? Thanks in advance.I just got the new Eminence EM12 which is supposed to be a closer speaker to the EVM 12L than the DeltaPro... I haven't listened yet. but it looks nice. I tried the Weber Michigan way back. It was close to the EVM but more mids, not as much clarity... more "guitary"