Standing Rock thread

Ike wrote:Still processing what I saw yesterday at Standing Rock. It's very, very overwhelming, and I'm at a loss for how to properly contextualize a few things (and a few things would be outright wrong to share, frankly). I'll try to put a few thoughts in line soon here, but for now, these people are risking their lives, their health, their families, their everything's for the safety of this water reserve (the 4th largest in the US), and for future generations. I saw old, young, everything in between laying it on the line. Complete harmony at times, utter chaos on other fronts. The vets rolling in was a shot of adrenaline, and it energized the camp. It was amazing to see unfold. I do not believe they'll be routing the pipeline through Lake Oahe.this is so incredible.

Standing Rock thread

Rick Perry is now the Energy Secretary nominee. He's on the Board of Energy Transfer Partners (ETP). Trump recently sold his ETP shares but has money in other pipeline-affiliated companies and has already said he supports DAPL of course. ... board.html

Standing Rock thread

matthew wrote:It's ironic that in the process of being so activist against a rather dubious risk, the activists themselves have created a very clear and present risk of water contamination.Typical activist bullshit. Thanks for cleaning up, assholes. ... 1f915.htmlMore ironic or less ironic than referring to a noted anti-Zionist as a Zionist?

Standing Rock thread

It's ironic that in the process of being so activist against a rather dubious risk, the activists themselves have created a very clear and present risk of water contamination.Typical activist bullshit. Thanks for cleaning up, assholes. ... 1f915.html

Standing Rock thread

Via FB: The raid has begun at Standing Rock (per Sunny Savage who is there)There is apparently a standoff happening right now. Backwater bridge has been opened, and there are large numbers of police, DAPL security and National Guard circling the water protectors. Raid and mass arrest are imminent. Apparently Trump is behind this. Live feeds are blocked. Media are not there, except for TYT.

Standing Rock thread

Andrew. wrote:Nice that Obama dithered on this for so long that this was the outcome. ... f=NEWSFEEDI think one of the most astonishing conditions is that in 2017, mid February is mud season in North Dakota. I feel like the toothpaste is out of the tube.

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