Hey, Andrew B. Cohen

tallchris wrote:Dude, Andy, thanks for all of this! This was kind of my thinking, Marshall or whatever as the basis of the sound, and another amp to fill it in a bit.We have also tried biamping many times and had it sound dumb, esp on bass. I have never once biamped bass and thought it was cool.But on Shade, it happened to be the thing that worked for both bari and gtr. Part of it for gtr was that the baritone sounded so totally enormous bi-amped that the guitar needed some variety so we had options in mixing.

Hey, Andrew B. Cohen

Hey, Andrew B. Cohen,How are you? I'm still fixated on Orange amps!I am wondering, has anyone from Orange tried to make you play their gear?Seems like 33% the time I go see a band, they are using Orange. Something is going on. Orange is way too expensive and bad sounding for all these bands to be using it unless there is some sort of deal. I saw one of the coolest bands on earth play with fucking Orange cabinets! It didn't make me think Orange was suddenly cool. It made me think something is going on.Maybe you know? Sponsorship seems weird, even if you are using the stuff already, like get off my back with your poison! Shackle me not! Go talk to a lawyer! Sorry, just kidding about that last part.Sincerely,Hosoi

Hey, Andrew B. Cohen

Hosoi wrote:Seems like 33% the time I go see a band, they are using OrangeIAMNFMABC, but I think they backline a lot of festivals and have pushed to make themselves the new standard in pro rentals. So there's the high end of the spectrum covered. Their $400 solid state guitar head is the best sounding (new) option in the price range, and no more shittily built than any other $400 amp. So that's probably a factor, too.

Hey, Andrew B. Cohen

I am not Andy, but from my experience, make sure you are happy with your guitar sound in the control room and coming off the tape/hard drive. If it is not what you want, fix it before you start recording takes. Each time i have recorded with a band, the guy stuck a 57 against the grill cloth and it sounded like fizzy crap. And I said nothing, because I was so happy to be recording, and I figured it would all work out somehow. It did not.

Hey, Andrew B. Cohen

Hey, Andrew B. Cohen,Andrew B. Cohen wrote:I have never been approached by Orange or anyone else to play their gear. Under the radar, 30 years and counting!This is great!When you have a minute, after good old llllllllllllllllllllllll, I am wondering, what's so great about being in tune? I've seen these guys who tune after every song. I've seen guys tune mid song! Who cares?One theory is that they're huge and the PSI on the strings is like elephants. So they're really out of tune. The other theory is that they are nervous and they have to do something. Either way, they truly, very seriously, care about being in tune.I think who cares, but I'm not a high quality shredder like you.

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