by AUX_Archive
Here's mine (also posted in the show your guitars thread)I originally had a 3TSB one that i'd bought new and did a bunch of mods to, but I'd sold it along in favour of picking up my '69 Super Reverb. I always missed having the VI around, so when this one came up in Montreal, I jumped on it. All of the important stuff was done: AVRI '62 Jag pickups, 1" Staytrem bridge, AVRI trem, and flatwounds. The original owner sanded off the Squier logo and clear-coated over a Fender logo. When I got it, I added the parchment guard (the white was blinding), full-sized Jazz bass knobs, 70s style tuners and matched the headstock with a custom Squier logo. Faking it with a Fender logo didn't really work for me. It plays and sounds great; but at some point, I'd like to go a little heavier on the low-E. It's not unbearable, but it's the one thing that could stand a bit of improvement.