Does this exist? Piano-type sustain pedal for guitar

Dudley wrote:Tommy wrote:The Freeze will sustain one chord at a time, but I believe its big brothers the Superego and Superego Plus have the same effect but allow layering.How much control do they give you over the individual layers? Because I'd love to be able to drop out and replace any layer I want. Like with loop pedals, where some just let you keep adding, or only let you delete the most recent layer, but I'd want to be able to pick and choose.I'm not even sure you can delete any. Just additive I believe. I'm merely going on product description though, since the only one I have and have used is the Freeze. Which obviously doesn't even have the layering functionality...

Does this exist? Piano-type sustain pedal for guitar

Boring bastard part III:For practical purposes it might be easier to substitute the 9 for the 3.So if you're in the key of D major and your V chord is A major, and you need to avoid the 3rd on the A:Instead of A major chord:0 ==== 52 ==== 3(+wrong 7)2 ==== 1(+5)2 ==== 5(+9)0 ==== 1(+5)XYou could play A9:0 ==== 50 ==== 9(+6)2 ==== 1(+5)2 ==== 5(+9)0 ==== 1(+5)XWhich is very Hawaiian sounding but in key.And likewise for all the barre chords derived from that A shape.

Does this exist? Piano-type sustain pedal for guitar

My experience with a Piano is that hitting the sustain just takes the dampers off giving you the the vibrating strings in the wood piano box not some kind of endless sustain. If I wanted endless sustain I would go for some style of old style EH Attack Decay pedal like the delux Pigtronics philosopher compressor which can give you endless sustain if desired or at least something resembling a piano. To get the resonance of a wood piano box impression I would use something after the sustainer like the new eventides with a resonance algorithm. Put both in a loop with a momentary switch and you would have something that would do what you want if what you want is like what a piano does not a organ.

Does this exist? Piano-type sustain pedal for guitar

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Yup, meant maj 7ths add a flat 5th. That s what I get for posting about intervals without a guitar in front of me.Ah, that's an easier way to think of it! So of course you just have to avoid that one note, that one spot, no matter what chord. Seventh note of major scale, do not touch.That's like a bunch of different ways to conceptualise the same thing but I like to do that with music, try to improve my mental fluency with it. I should have seen that straight away, I said right at the start that the 7th is the only mode without a perfect 5th so obviously that's the only note you need to avoid. Ok then.

Does this exist? Piano-type sustain pedal for guitar

Big John wrote:My experience with a Piano is that hitting the sustain just takes the dampers off giving you the the vibrating strings in the wood piano box not some kind of endless sustain.Right, but the key feature is that you can take your fingers off the keys and play some other notes and the first ones keep going.If piano-like is your goal you don't want it to sustain forever, but some kind of electronic smartypants note synthesis business will be required to simulate the effect on a guitar.

Does this exist? Piano-type sustain pedal for guitar

Madman Munt wrote:Boombats wrote:Get two Freezes, Dudley.Hey, I just had an idea!I don't think you need a long chain of Freezes, Dudley. I reckon a clever switching system could loop the two together: so you'd either have Freeze 1 going into Freeze 2 or vice versa, switching at each push of the button. I'd put the guts of both in a new box, call it the Muntronix Ouroboros and charge a hefty markup.Or run the two Freezes after a stereo pedal, one channel each, so that I can use them without including the other's output in any particular freeze. Then either run to two amps, or use another stereo pedal after them to reduce to a mono (but independently bi-Freezing) output. No switching needed. I've missed something, haven't I? Seems too simple a fix.
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...

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