Steve Albini drum sound resource
31Stinky Pete wrote:eliya wrote:Anthony Flack wrote:I would think doubly so for the amateur who almost certainly has bigger problems going on.Well, since amateurs usually use a lot less than 14 microphones to record a whole band, then it would stand to reason that they should have nice preamps, no?They could just spend that money they would spend on pre's on nice mics or nice gear. I run an 18 channel setup and I've a single external pre. I'd like to get a second, but it's just way down the pecking order.Dude, you're missing the point. Sounds like you have actual mixer, where someone put thought into the preamps. Or at least some thought. I'm talking interfaces that are powered with USB and still offer you preamps with +48V. These preamps don't sound good. They don't have a lot of gain, they get noisy, and they distort. I have nice microphones, and I used them with onboard preamps as well as decent preamps (like Sytek, or stuff you'd find in a mixer) and the difference is quite noticeable.