Well, That's It For Me...

first2letters wrote:The voice does not match the visual or the stage presence ” sounds enough like Robert Plant until you look at him, at which point you feel like you re watching some teenage Fame-school kid playing dress-up and practicing vocal exercises. He, the guitarist, and the bassist (for my money, and apparently the sound guy s, the best part of the band) are brothers, so no getting rid of any of them, unfortunately.I felt about like...phpBB [media]

Well, That's It For Me...

Antero wrote:Adam Sr wrote:phpBB [media]At first I thought this was just going to be lame zep-by-the-numbers throwback bullshit - and it certainly is - but what the fuck is up with that guy's singingI definitely don't think Robert Plant sounded like Woody Woodpecker doing Buffalo Bill.Then again, they are from Frankenmuth.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Well, That's It For Me...

Gross. And unfortunately I know people my age that think they're great because they sort of sound like some 70s stuff. Yeah man, kids are playing like.. real rock 'n roll! It's fucking dress-up fake-ass parroting of some of the worst things about 70s rock. And that horrible voice, it really is like show-tune kid doing rock star. Sha-Na-Na for dim Zep fans.

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