by catwoman_Archive
I've been doing as much research as I can about CBD. This website is useful:https://cbdoilusers.com/Points to ponder:Which delivery method? Sublingual seems to be preferred.Dose? Kind of a hit-or-miss process to find the ideal dose for whatever you're trying to treat with it.What brand? Clearly some brands are totally fake BS. Others at least will have some sort of batch lab analysis reports, that give numbers on the various components.What about drug tests? Seems much of the CBD oils, whether they test virtually negative for THC in batch lab analysis or not, will pop positive for THC in routine drug testing. This is troubling.Good vs. bad? May work, may work by placebo effect, or could do bad things to your liver numbers.I'm not convinced in my dabblings with CBD oil, sublingual, that it's had any remarkable, magic-cure-all effects. Maybe it's a dosage issue, or maybe it just doesn't work? Not enough science to decide.Caveat emptor. Do your research.