CBD oil

From my own experience it seems dietary and supplementary choices have minor and subtle effects individually, and are good for lowering your baseline anxiety in the long term (along with plenty of physical activity and good sleep habits), but I don't think any of them are of much use as treatments for acute situational anxiety. Is CBD oil the same as regular hemp oil? Might try it myself.

CBD oil

I'm not a fan of pot either, but this is different. Definitely helps with joint pain and soreness and is very unlikely to make you anxious the way pot does. ymmv, obviously, but everyone I know swears by it and my extremely limited experience with it (back pain) has been positive. I'd say it's worth a shot.

CBD oil

My partner has rheumatoid arthritis. She's used ointments containing CBD oil and similar bath stuff for her joint pain and says that it generally does help a little, but not more than normal painkillers like ibuprofen. She also does not like being high; the CBD stuff has no unwanted side effects.She has a co-worker (also with RA) that swears by topical stuff for joint pain, though, so it's definitely something that varies considerably person to person. Worth a shot, for sure.

CBD oil

Adam Sr wrote:Omega oils in general are supposed to be good for your symptoms. Anti-inflammatory dietary choices might be the way to go, and you might want to look at l-theanine and ashwagandha. This thread, too. Thanks for the reply. I take omega-3 oils. I've been dealing with anxiety for over 25 years now and really do basically have a handle on it. I've had some recent stress in my life as well as worsening joint pain and my doctor thought the CBD oil might really help so I will at least be trying it.

CBD oil

Didn't do much for my anxiety. I've heard it's great for pain/physical ailments. A hippy lady I spoke to the other day swore by it as far as helping her dog who had been injured. She was sprinkling a little bit of it in with the dog's food each day, and he recovered weeks before the vet had estimated. Take that as you will, not recommending it but could be worth looking into.

CBD oil

I've been doing as much research as I can about CBD. This website is useful:https://cbdoilusers.com/Points to ponder:Which delivery method? Sublingual seems to be preferred.Dose? Kind of a hit-or-miss process to find the ideal dose for whatever you're trying to treat with it.What brand? Clearly some brands are totally fake BS. Others at least will have some sort of batch lab analysis reports, that give numbers on the various components.What about drug tests? Seems much of the CBD oils, whether they test virtually negative for THC in batch lab analysis or not, will pop positive for THC in routine drug testing. This is troubling.Good vs. bad? May work, may work by placebo effect, or could do bad things to your liver numbers.I'm not convinced in my dabblings with CBD oil, sublingual, that it's had any remarkable, magic-cure-all effects. Maybe it's a dosage issue, or maybe it just doesn't work? Not enough science to decide.Caveat emptor. Do your research.

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