First mic: ribbon vs condenser

I have to record electric guitar, acoustic guitar, saxophones and some percussion. I have a tascam dp01 (no phantom) and a focusrite Scarlett used with Reaper. Right now I have only a Shure sm57 - pure shite.I have to buy one mic and one mic only. A cheap one. What is best between a Golden Age R2 and a Audio Technica at2020?

First mic: ribbon vs condenser

elisha wiesner wrote:I don't know what the Golden Age is but the AT2020 is a perfectly ok mic.Based on the "Scarlett" range interface that I have, I'm going to have to agree with Elisha. It's preamps don't have anywhere near enough gain to use them on a ribbon and get anything really useful. While it would be likely be fine for the other stuff, it would probably let you down on the acoustic guitar front.I'd guess you would get a lot more mileage out of the AT2020.

First mic: ribbon vs condenser

I think the ribbon would be too fragile to bother using at this point, though not in the sense of you'll drop it/+48v it. If you own two mics, they'll end up covering really varied tasks, maybe in some experimental positions (I'm thinking here of micing up a full drum kit). It would be too restricting to have one mic that you couldn't place near a drum or some horns or whatever. With a 57 and an LDC, there's nothing you'd have to be scared about recording.The one thing is that cheap ribbon mics often sound better than cheap condensers, to me. But Audio-Technica is maybe the one company who has the cheap condenser thing figured out. I've used AT2020s and they're completely good.

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