Tone pots, capacitors and treble
1Right; a bit of a novice question, but I've asked about gear basics on the board before and have got helpful comments, so here I am again. I've got a Mexican Tele that I'm planning to get a new pickup installed in, but I'm also thinking about swapping out the tone and volume pots and capacitors in an attempt to get closer to the sound I'm after - trebly, scratchy; think NY no wave, Contortions, DNA etc, Fire Engines, Trout Mask-era Beefheart.In general, I never touch the tone knob, and rarely the volume. I'm going to stick a treble bleed circuit on the volume, but I haven't got a clue about the tone. Would 1meg pots be virtually unusable in both the volume and tone pots? Is swapping capacitors a good idea on top of that?