The Fearsome and Mighty Royal Super Bunny thread

Dr Tony Balls wrote:yard barf wrote:Is it exposed wood on the inside? Since it's already warped, and it doesn't require precision as much as something like a guitar neck, what if you wet the wood with warm water, let it soak in for awhile, and then tried bending it towards the right form, and letting it dry like that?Its exposed. I think its like an MDF/particle board kinda thing. Anyway, i tried ironing it with a wet towel over it, and we'll see if that helps.This worked.

The Fearsome and Mighty Royal Super Bunny thread

Bunny arrived in Chicago, safe and sound!Jazz channel (haha) sounds really great to my ears, clean headroom all the way up, but not a sterile kind of clean. Rock channel also has a lot of headroom but with a little grit built in.Work has me by the tomatoes this week, and my daughter just broke out in a bit of a rash after taking amoxicillin for her ear infection, so my life is full of other joys right now. I only had a minute with the amp so far. Hopefully, I can have some fun with it this weekend.Thanks to FM Sleepkid for mailing it from the other side of the planet. And to FM Dr. Tony Balls for doing a ton of work to bring this amp back from the dead. I'll keep posting here with updates, sound samples, etc. I have a couple days in the studio next month and I'll be bringing the bunny along!

The Fearsome and Mighty Royal Super Bunny thread

I'm very curious if you ever recorded anything with the Super Bunny, and how it worked out? Still easily the coolest looking amp I've ever seen. I'm not sure what it is about it. The name? The font? I've not seen another one since. A very Fender-esque looking Royal Studio Master (or similar name) came up about 5 months ago, and a Royal combo amp of some kind - but no more Super Bunny amps. Only a total of 14 have come up to auction in the last 10 years here. One of them had been re-housed in a black tolex cabinet, which was a good look for it.

The Fearsome and Mighty Royal Super Bunny thread

I had another daughter a couple months ago, which is great of course, but it has left little time for rocking and rolling. I'm sorry I haven't come through with some demos of the wonderful Royal Super Bunny. Between the newborn's colic and my other daughter's terrible twos meltdowns, I'd have to dime the amp to be heard over the screaming, which is more or less what playing in a band is, so maybe we've got something here.The jazz channel sounds like a black face fender, the AB763 that was in a lot of them. At least, that's how it sounds to me. FM Doctor Tony Balls could tell you more than me about it though. The Rock channel sounds like a tube amp with a boost pedal.God bless the Royal Super Bunny.

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