by A_Man_Who_Tries_Archive
I need to flesh this out. I don't like where it is.It's profoundly sad, to me at least, to think that anyone can't just get up and do good, off their own back. I'm a wholly unexceptional person. My health is fucked and now compounded by a heart problem I can't deal with until next year (if I can get healthcare then even), but right now life is a little easier as I'm in a situation where homelessness and isolation, at least for the medium-term, are not things to worry about. I don't have anything, but Maslow-wise the absolute essentials, for the moment, are OK.I try to do good. Having spent far too long dealing in politics filled by folk who talk about doing good, and how to do good, while unconscionable shithouses do bad by the minute, I'm of the school that to do good, you just do good. You just fucking start.I got here about three months ago. The second weekend I set up a meeting for people who had trouble with English language. This took, literally, half an hour. Find suitable portal, post message with date and place. Then show up on the weekend and set aside a few hours, see what happens.A few people showed up. A couple of locals but mostly migrants. Language troubles ranged from kids' homework, senior learners with essays, government paperwork that had an English translation but nothing in Farsi...all sorts of stuff.A few months on this gathering numbers about forty people, and a few people also show up to assume my role. So much so that a couple of weeks back, when I was sick to the point of being bedbound, the event continued as normal without me.Also, an unexpected bonus, one of the other volunteers runs something similar nearby. Health permitting, I drop in there now too. Theirs is a more formal deal and has ties to local funding streams and what not - it's far more than my prick-at-a-café-helping-people-out - but there's room for both and that's great.To stress again - I am a fucking car crash of a human being and barely good for glue, and helping took literally half an hour, a bit of faith, a little persistence, and fortune enough to have health above the line to attend the session. Which, like I said above, I'm now at a point where I can worry less about.And again, to stress - people doing hateful shit are not umming and aahing about the nature of their hateful shit. And theirs is the workrate that needs to be matched by people who claim to be on the side of good. You need to just do good things. If you're stalling because you're not sure it's the right good thing, then check yourself.And ask yourself this: When you agonise over how to help, are you agonising over how to help? Or are you engaging in a practice which allows you to feel like you care, without having to expend the energy to actually do something? Because if you're agonising about how to care, you'll just go out there and do something, off your own back, regardless of your personal limitations.I know I'm a spiky, stubborn, truculent prick (cue this bit being quoted in isolation). My life is largely fucking lousy and managing chronic pain makes it hard not to snap, so I don't mind being called out on that front. But I do mind any suggestion that I'm somehow not on the side of being good and helpful, because I do a sight more than so many who have way more in the tank to offer. And if they got off their collective arses, maybe we'd all be in a better place.Good health, and count your blessings.