You fat bastard.

Luzwei wrote:Well, maybe cut on the workouts for a week and see how your CNS feels after? And if you're doing low carb, 3 times a week would be optimal amount of sessions.How's your workout plan looking these days?3 times a week minimum, but right now my schedule allows me to deadlift on Saturday morning after a night of hard sleeping and a big breakfast, so if I bust back to three or skip a day, I'll be deadlifting on a day where I've maybe had 7 hours sleep tops.I started 5/3/1 at the beginning of the year. Math is hard, so I found an app that calulates all of the cycles for the 4 main Olympic lifts, and lets me add accessory work. Also has my theoretical one rep maxes and my actual one rep maxes, I don't tend to do those a lot, maybe once every six weeks for whatever lift I'm doing on a Saturday. I also go on a vigorous hike every Sunday if I can swing it, that's good for your ass and the people outside tend to be a lot sexier than the people at the gym.Diet is yogurt in the morning, chicken or pork chop with greens or lentils for lunch, dinner is salad and tandoori chicken or maybe a steak. Snack on hard-boiled eggs and yogurt if I'm hungry. Shake after a workout, caesin shake before bed, chalky bullshit. Fast and loose on Saturday night, I'll usually eat pizza and drink beer in excess.I work in a food r&d kitchen, so my biggest problem is not hogging down on whatever garbage we're pulling out of the fryer that day.

You fat bastard.

I'd also like to hear anyone's experience with supplements like BCAA, preworkout, creatine, etc. To me, they're more trouble than they are worth, except creatine on workout days when I'm really pushing. I'll cycle on and off the stuff, however long the container lasts. Haven't had any in about 7 months.BCAA, preworkout, those give me intense tummy trubbs, so I leave them alone. Preworkout especially, leaves me jittery and running for the banyo between sets.

You fat bastard.

tmidgett wrote:Cut fruit if you can do it. There is no need for that. You can always have an apple here or there, or dried low GI fruit that is high in Potassium. A potassium deficiency is something most of us live with our entire lives and we're not even aware. Also, potassium is great for controlling the blood sugar as well.tmidgett wrote:Don't eat a lot of dairy, cheese better than other stuff. I always go with one cottage cheese a day and almost always have a probiotic yogurt during the day. Sure, it has some sugar in it, but I'll allow some 10g of sugar with a lot of healthy gut bacteria for a healthy bowel movement. At least on the days I'm not in a mood for sauerkraut.tmidgett wrote:Cut artificial sweeteners (some evidence suggests that placebo effect causes body to react to them as if they were sugar (!)).Not Stevia, though. Or even Erythritol. Everything else is pretty much poison.

You fat bastard.

154 wrote:Also, I've said it before on here and no one likes to hear it but the super malty hoppy beer revival is death. If you must drink while doing this stick to a glass or two of dry red wine.I don't know if aronia craze has hit the States but a lot of peeps here make cold pressed juice here. Those black fuckers and great for your health and I drink around 0,5 to 1dcl a day. But red wine is also great from health standpoint, just as long as you count those calories as well.

You fat bastard.

Yeah. You're doing everything right for sure, except that you're probably eating too little for those big lifts, no? Maybe the fast burn comes from lifting too intensive and eating too little. Oh, and power lifting routines should not last that long, when I played sports I would never stick too much around low rep big weight routines, that would burn me too fast. But bodies are different, you know what works best for you.

You fat bastard.

154 wrote:**I have also heard of taking a cold bath before bed for this reason, though I haven't gone that far!I have. I have started doing that a couple of weeks back. I dial up the regular temp shower and then I go lower every minute a bit until I get my body to the lowest possible level.Esp, after reading this.

You fat bastard.

tmidgett wrote:If you have not tried it, try \_not cutting back\_ on protein and fat. Eat as much of it as you want. Eat greens. As much as you want. I'd eat cooked tomatoes, myself. If you starve yourself, your body will hang onto all the fat it can to preserve its energy stores. You gotta eat.Cut carbs ruthlessly. Cut sugar down to nothing or as close to it as you can manage. No pastry, crackers, no pretzels. Very little or no bread. Very little or no pasta. Cut fruit if you can do it. Don't eat a lot of dairy, cheese better than other stuff. Cut artificial sweeteners (some evidence suggests that placebo effect causes body to react to them as if they were sugar (!)).I think you'll be surprised if you have not done that kind of thing already. I don't eat this way all the time, but it's nice knowing it works and I can always peel off carbs to lose weight if I get too heavy. You don't have to torture yourself by just not eating.Yep, the Midge is right. I have been on a low-carb diet for about two and a half weeks. I am down 10 lbs so far. Plateaued for the last 3 days, but I am pretty sure its going to keep working. No sugar, no soda, no beer. Minimal bread, pasta. One normal helping at dinner, no seconds. I have a bowl of ice cream once a week. Eggs, cheese, meat, fish, nuts. Eating a salad for lunch 3 days a week. No snacking.

You fat bastard.

Anthony Flack wrote:Almost nothing but cauliflower and cabbage. Completely delicious and I am stuffed, couldn't even eat it all.Yep! My favorite cauliflower rice thing to do is to treat it like fried rice. Endless variations that way: shrimp, beef, peas vs. no peas, egg or not, thai basil, coconut milk & curry paste, kimchi, sesame oil, any onion, any cabbage, chilis.. as long as it's seared in a big wok-like pan anything is game.

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