Listen to each others bands...

Hiya All,God, it's been a while. Snowed under with work and whatnot. Anyhow, here is the first cycle of my new collaboration with Philip Curach, Oblier. Think abstract post-industrial soundscapes with prepared guitars. All of the guitar tracks are single takes, with no overdubs. We recorded each one in a single sitting, to capture the moments as it were. The planes landing are not sampled, Phil lives under the flightpath.... We gave this one everything that we have, and appreciate your listening!

Listen to each others bands...

Since my old band tends to work at a snail's pace, here's a newly released EP we started about 8 years ago right before our drummer moved out of state for a couple of years. We basically learned to record doing this thing, and we did so much wrong that countless hours were spend after the fact massaging and fixing. It's finally listenable. I think. Pro tip: if you are running out of mics, don't put a condenser on the snare. Anyway, you live and learn.Here it is.

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