by DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE_Archive
I ve got a grandmother, and hands down, it s my favorite mono. Now, I ve had the sub37, which has so much more functionality (in the box) and presets etc, but the granny wins for me. The eurorack angle first off (it makes a killer front end, base of operations), but the raw tone it pumps out is just vintage inspired goodness. Sure, people get all in a twist (in the insufferable synth online world) about vintage vs modern analog synths, but the mother seems to get closer to the vintage sound in my head than the subs especially. They have based the œmodule circuits (of course, all one board, but each œsection of the signal path) on their classic full size moog modular designs, so for example that mixer works some nice magic, as it s based on some circuit that makes a model 15 do what it does. I m hazy on details, but it s out there to read up on. Suffice it to say, you can hear and feel there s a difference between the two synths, and if you can do without presets, etc, you will adore the grandmother. The vintage look may seem cute, but the thing also genuinely takes its sound inspiration from that in equal measure. I love it to bits- I ve spent almost every night since picking it up futzing with it and my modest modular set up, and have yet to get bored... it s sweet spot is large.
joesepi wrote:This has nothing to do with our impending doom. I just love dirt bikes.