Hilarious Joke

Goddamn Miracle wrote:I was listening to the Jerry Casales interview today. Totally unemployed. Happy as a clam.Goddamn Miracle wrote:I have joke A man has his boss call him Boss saysYouve been out for three straight day-- no call/ no showThe kid says. Yeah its only WednesdayCross post you decide

Hilarious Joke

A guy walks into a bakery and asks if they have any cakes with mustard on them. No, says the baker. The next day the guy comes back and asks the same thing, and then again the day after that, getting the same answer.Then the baker starts to feel sorry for the guy, so he decides to bake a bunch of cakes with mustard on them.The next day the guy comes back and again asks if they have cakes with mustard on them. Yes, says the baker happily, We have many!Man, that's disgusting.

Hilarious Joke

A church service in the rural southern USA has just ended, and the parishioners are shaking hands with the preacher one by one as they leave. The preacher stops Bubba and says "Bubba, you look like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. What is wrong?" Bubba says "Preacher, it's my hearing. I'm worried to death about it." So the preacher puts his hands on Bubba and prays as hard as he can for Bubba's hearing. Bubba thanks him and leaves. A couple days later the preacher sees Bubba in town. He walks straight up to him and says "Bubba, I have been thinking about you all week. How is your hearing?" Bubba says "Well, I don't know yet. It ain't till Friday."

Hilarious Joke

A man goes to a brothel and says I d like a hooker but I only have a dollar. The madam says œthat s ok, I have a dead hooker for you. œ She leads the man upstairs to the room and leaves him to take care of business. 10 minutes later, the man comes back downstairs and the madam asks: œhow was it? The man says œIt was all right I guess, but while I was doing it her nose kept running. The madam says "Sorry, she must be full.

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