Quilter Amps

Do the guitar amps work for bass too? We need a nice small backup head and I'd like to find something that works for both bass and guitar. Bassist gets most of his tone from the bass, tech 21 and rusty anyways and I've got a boxidizer too, so we really just need clean full range power in a small package.

Quilter Amps

I'm intrigued by what I'm hearing of these amps - so much punch in such a small package. I'd like to buy one but I'm a bit confuddled over what to be looking at specifically. I want to run my Bass VI through one, and avail of both its bass and guitar sounds. I see the TB201 gets a mention here, but I'm trying to be sensible and keep the amp and cab purchase to below 500 (about $640). The belower the beletter, really. Any suggestions, folks?

Quilter Amps

I am a big advocate of all things Quilter, as has been obvious.But if you're looking to stay cheap, the above suggestion of the Crate Powerblock is a fine one for both bass and guitar. Just saw Guided by Voices, and rhythm guitar dude was using one- sounded great. I was considering one as a backup. But one of the great things about the quilter, which cannot be said of most other compact Class D amps, is that it can handle any voltage, which is nice if you're doing anything US/EU/UK inclusive. I think the power block does the same but am not 100%Used powerblocks are often $100-125 here.
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