Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself

I've been home a week as of yesterday. It's a blur. Lots of pain near the incision, but I can get around. I got an infection in my arm from the IV, but they gave me antibiotics and it's cleared up pretty good. Later this week I go back to get this god damned catheter out of me, then it's a matter of seeing how well I'll be able to hold my piss in. I'm told I'll probably have to wear adult diapers for up to a year, but I was doing kegel exercises for a month leading up to surgery, so hopefully I can avoid pissing my pants too much. I haven't got the results back from the tests on the lymph nodes, but if that comes back good, I should be in the clear. It would be nice to grow old not having to worry about prostate trouble, but I would not recommend it as an elective surgery, my dizzles. Also, haven't got the bill from the hospital yet, but it's gonna be a big one. Fuck 'em, I'll send them what I can every month.

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