Podcasts of the Left

Chromodynamic wrote:Angus Jung wrote:...All the podcasts I have listed here are good about having women guests/participants, but I would like a recommendation for a leftist podcast hosted by a woman/women if anybody has one.Season of the Bitch was mentioned earlier, and I would recommend that.The recent episode on Brazil/Bolsonaro was really good. I'll definitely be checking out new episodes of this one on the reg now.

Podcasts of the Left

mrcancelled wrote:Chromodynamic wrote:Angus Jung wrote:...All the podcasts I have listed here are good about having women guests/participants, but I would like a recommendation for a leftist podcast hosted by a woman/women if anybody has one.Season of the Bitch was mentioned earlier, and I would recommend that.The recent episode on Brazil/Bolsonaro was really good. I'll definitely be checking out new episodes of this one on the reg now.2nded. Wendi Muse nailed it. If anyone wants to know what's going on in Brazil that is the episode to listen to.

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Podcasts of the Left

Good news on the women-hosted podcast front. Astra Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Naomi Klein just launched a podcast. First episode is quite good. https://theintercept.com/2018/12/20/nao ... ast-labor/Meanwhile, on the funny-white-dude-hosted podcast front, I started checking out Pod Damn America, and I really like it. Hosted by socialist stand-up comics (not just podcast comedians a la Chapo), and it's great.

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