16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

Yeah the media tag shit the bed and now you have to go back and forth and edit a hundred times before you can link to YouTube. Before you would copy and past the share link from the YouTube page, now I think you copy and paste whatever is the actual address of the video from the address bar or you browser. If this doesn t make any sense it s because I am still confused myself.

16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

Hello!I just unearthed a 16mm film I made in the 1990s (film school). The way we did it at the time was:1) Shot 16mm color negative film (no sound)2) Recorded the sound on a Marantz cassette recorder, then transferred the cassette to a 16mm magnetic tape reel for editing.The end result of this particular short film (which I'm sure is terrible) was an edited 16mm film reel and an accompanying 16mm magnetic tape reel. I believe there was a projector that played both, synced up to a beep.Anyway, I've found lots of places that will transfer the film to a file, but have not had a lot of luck finding a place that can turn the 16mm magnetic soundtrack to a file.Does anybody know of a place where I could have such a thing done? I can sync the audio to the video myself after the fact, so it doesn't need to be a 2-for-1 deal.For reference, this is what the audio reel looks like:(EDIT: oh - does the media thing not work on here anymore?)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oMq5CjMhE0Thanks!
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16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Yeah the media tag shit the bed and now you have to go back and forth and edit a hundred times before you can link to YouTube. Before you would copy and past the share link from the YouTube page, now I think you copy and paste whatever is the actual address of the video from the address bar or you browser. If this doesn t make any sense it s because I am still confused myself.You can also change the word "media" in the tag to "Youtube" and it'll work. That's what I've been doing at least.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

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16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

I think the process you are looking for is referred to as Telecine processing. It's basically a big film scanner. I think almost any place that would still have one would be able to also pull the audio from your edit reel of audio film. It's probably not cheap to have done, but certainly someone in LA still has the machines for it. Last place I ever saw that had them up and running as a service was called i^3 Media in Chicago, but I'm not sure they are around anymore.

16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

Superking wrote:Hello!I just unearthed a 16mm film I made in the 1990s (film school). The way we did it at the time was:1) Shot 16mm color negative film (no sound)2) Recorded the sound on a Marantz cassette recorder, then transferred the cassette to a 16mm magnetic tape reel for editing.The end result of this particular short film (which I'm sure is terrible) was an edited 16mm film reel and an accompanying 16mm magnetic tape reel. I believe there was a projector that played both, synced up to a beep.Anyway, I've found lots of places that will transfer the film to a file, but have not had a lot of luck finding a place that can turn the 16mm magnetic soundtrack to a file.Does anybody know of a place where I could have such a thing done? I can sync the audio to the video myself after the fact, so it doesn't need to be a 2-for-1 deal.For reference, this is what the audio reel looks like:(EDIT: oh - does the media thing not work on here anymore?)Thanks!

16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

I came across this place once while trying to make a list of DAT/DA-88-friendly outfits.The sheer amount of formats they would tackle made an impression. While I don't understand the entirety of what you are going into, it appears that they might be an option(assuming they are still in the game to that degree).http://audiomechanics.com/services/mastering/formats/

16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

Anthony Flack wrote:I too went to film school in the 1990s and made short films this way! I too was left with the 16mm picture and 16mm sound tape and nothing to play them on. Lucky for me I had a house fire take care of it all.But cutting on the flatbed editor was fun and I'm glad I got to experience it before it all went extinct.I'm also glad I got to experience editing on a Steenbeck (and those godforsaken moviola editors), if only to appreciate how fucking great Adobe Premiere is...I believe the final soundtrack was mixed with an "engineer" and printed to a single 16mm mag reel (no splices on the final soundtrack), but to be honest it's all a bit hazy and sounds like an enormous pain in the ass.
there is only one clear path and it's paved with bacon.

My Flickr Weighs a Ton

16mm Magnetic Tape / Film Soundtrack

numberthirty wrote:I came across this place once while trying to make a list of DAT/DA-88-friendly outfits.The sheer amount of formats they would tackle made an impression. While I don't understand the entirety of what you are going into, it appears that they might be an option(assuming they are still in the game to that degree).http://audiomechanics.com/services/mastering/formats/Innnteresting...
there is only one clear path and it's paved with bacon.

My Flickr Weighs a Ton

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