summer PRFBBQ 2019 spitballin' thread

I love that voting thing. It's OUR version of Black Mirror! Also love the old home night/reunion night. Think we could get Dis- to play again? Couldn't say more about how great that space was last year. Those two days flew by like a lightening bolt. I'd bring a lawn chair to sit on this time, but other than that, just knockout great the whole weekend.

summer PRFBBQ 2019 spitballin' thread

I think the voting thing could be cool, but I also err on the side of more new blood, and fewer bands who've played 2-4 summer BBQs in a row. Maybe hold slots specifically for new bands/non-forum folks?The space last year was awesome, possibly the best Chicago summer space to date!
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

summer PRFBBQ 2019 spitballin' thread

garthplinko wrote:That's a great point Doc where you hit on the clear distinction: new bands and new blood are a better fit when they ask to be a part of it and are clear going in what we're about rather than us trying to coax or cajole others. I've done this in the past and that's been a mistake.Well sure.I didn't say anything about coaxing or cajoling others, personally.I think it takes a very special band for that to work. I can count them on one hand. You kind of already know, if that makes sense.Again, just because you open it up doesn't meant you have to say yes.Keeping everything closed is a bummer to me.garthplinko wrote:new bands and new blood are a better fit when they ask to be a part of it and are clear going in what we're about rather than us trying to coax or cajole others.100%!Honestly, it's the worst part of it... if we need somebody to be the person who says no. I have no problem doing it at all. Being told no is better than not getting any answer. I wouldn't take any pleasure in it or anything, but I don't mind.
Yes it's true, I am made from atoms.

summer PRFBBQ 2019 spitballin' thread

Way into the voting idea. I think that s brilliant. As far as new blood, I m pretty indifferent. Nonagon MUST play this year. Side note, FM jeff\_fox pointed out something last year that made tons of sense to me. This year with food, each meal should be done by a different crew. It ll make food prep way less of a pain in the ass for those of us who always do it. I love you people with all my heart but that shit gets fucking exhausting. I also wonder if we could buy a cheap as fuck refrigerator for food storage for this? These are all just suggestions. I m here to help with whatever as always.

summer PRFBBQ 2019 spitballin' thread

Voting out of a pool of bands who've requested slots, I kind of like the idea but the not as well-known bands will get screwed, and how many of today's favorites were once unknown by most of us? Every year we have a Lung or a Motherfucker where we're like "whoa, where have they been?" That's gonna be a delicate balance. Maybe put x number of slots to a vote? The other upshot is, how many people will realistically buy a pre-sale ticket 4-5 months in advance so they can vote? Aren't we usually urging people to buy their tickets up until days before?J. Burns wrote:Suggestion: at Drug Church, we had breaks of 90 or so minutes in between every block of 3-5 bands for food, drink, bullshitting, and general grabassery. Let s bring that shit back. At the expense of not everyone gets to play it makes it less of an endurance test for the audienceOh, so much this. Thundersnow and the Campout are like this and I love it. So many of our events feel more like 12-hour shows than social gatherings, and that's a special kind of grind when you feel like even a 3-band bill is a challenge to get through, which is something I hear more and more from people.

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