Anyone wanna trade drums?
1Totally throwing this out there even though I doubt it'd ever work out. I have a 1976 Ludwig Thermo-Gloss kit with a 26" kick, 18" FT, and (I think) 12" and 13" racks. It's in good shape, and I had the bass drum/tom mount hardware updated by John Fell of Main Drag Music a few years back. Definitely a kit you can play in loud rock bands. I have a few issues with it. Mainly, it's just a little too much drum for me. The project I'm doing now requires lots of fast playing and fills around the toms and things are getting lost. Also, even though it's in good shape, I'm finding it annoying to navigate older drums and hardware. They don't tune up as easily and everything's just a little fussier, knowwhaduhmean? Since it's a cool collectible kit, I'd only trade it for something perfect. I'm looking for a 22" kick (preferably 14-16" depth), 16"x16" FT, and 12-13" rack. Lemme know if this tickles your fancy!