PRF members' tech journal
211Mesa Fathom (M6 Carbine), cont:I worked on the Mesa Fathom a bit more, since I decided to keep it. The master volume pot was way too sensitive. It went from 0 to full blast in about 2 degrees of rotation. I also didn t like the pull mute being on that pot, because it caused the volume to change when you pulled it.I swapped the 100K linear with a 100K log taper and it s much better. Also moved the mute to a separate mini toggle.I did some detective work about the output stage mods that the factory performs on these to keep them from blowing up. They added some protection diodes to the power rails. I found a photo online of somebody's Mesa work-order that had the parts listed, then I found another separate post with photos of the output board showing where those diodes were connected. I went back and added them to mine.