Dietz Cabinets.

How light do you think a TL606 cab could be built? Maybe used thinner wood or (as suggested by this Talk Bass thread) fiberglass composite w/ neodynium Eminence? Love my road ready Mesa cabs, but wouldn't mind shaving off 10-20 lbs from each cab, and I don't really need anything that beefy since they'll spend less time on the road and getting beat up in the van these days.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

Dietz Cabinets.

Verbs & Nouns wrote:The real question is, if you have two cabs...Do you stack them vertically with the ports at the bottom even though your amp is wider than the cabs?ORDo you stack them horizontally with the ports to the side so they re the same width (or wider) than your amp?ORdo a David Wm. Sims and do both?The amp should never be wider that the speakers underneath because that's what zom zom said and he was right.

Dietz Cabinets.

tallchris wrote:Has anyone used one of the Eminence Kappalite 3015s in a Dietz/Mesa/etc? Looking to shave some pounds off hauling my 1x15s around.My band Paper Mice did a basement video shoot thing and the fellow had a pair of handmade TL-606 cabs with Kappalite 3015s in them. I was put off a bit at first because they seemed a tad thin in the low end, but the recorded tone is great and I've been considering replacing the 15" stock Ampeg speaker in my 1x15 with one.

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